Independent Exercise 1 - WEB 124

  1. This exercise is based on the material from Chapters 1-3.
  2. Review the code on pages 142-143.
  3. Watch applicable youtubes.
  4. Post your files to the student web server and put the corresponding URL in the Independent Exercise 1 drop box.
  5. Warning! WRITE ALL OF THE code FROM SCRATCH! Do not modify existing files from the book, your neighbor, codepen, your mother, or any other entity.
  6. Note color coding: keyword, blue: HTML, pink: CSS, green: JavaScript, black: general instructions)


Using an html, linked css, and external js file...

  1. Create a friend object using literal syntax that includes these properties (no, the values do not need to be real, but they do need to be realistic):
    • firstName (assign a string literal)
    • lastName (assign a string literal)
    • birthDate (assign the date of May 5, 1992, using new Date())
    • desiredAnnualSalary (assign a reasonable annual salary, a numeric literal)
    • educationLevel (assign a numeric literal from 8-20 representing 8th grade through 8 years post high school)
    • calculateSalary (create a method that returns a variable named likelyAnnualSalary calculated as the desiredSalary divided by 2 plus educationLevel multiplied by 100)
  2. Using JavaScript, write out the value of each of these properties to a paragraph element in the web page with id attributes of id="p1" through id="p6". Include explanatory text so that each property value is identified.
  3. console.log your friend's birthDate property value to make sure you have created and converted it correctly
    Hint: use the toLocaleString() method to convert salary values to include commas.
  4. Create a function that converts a date to a mm/dd/yyyy format and use that function to format the date in the paragraph that writes out your friend's birth date.
  5. Surround all of your code with an immediately invoked function expression.
  6. Style your html with a new, linked style sheet using responsive principles and best practices.
  7. Include a couple of basic media queries to make the page render well on a tablet and phone device.
  8. Include an appropriate meta viewport tag in the html.
  9. As always, follow best practices as outlined on the Homework Checklist.

Your final html file should look similar to the following in a browser: (Your text, data and styles will obviously differ. Also note the console.log value.)

Independent Exercise 1-3 potential solution